I Appreciate You! 🩷 a #TEmakerChallenge submission

Do you ever look at something that gives you inspiration ... head out to recreate it, then end up with something nowhere near the inspirational piece but still happy with the results?!? That happens to me ALL of the TIME! Sometimes I look at the card that inspired me then look at what I created with amazement because my card looks nothing like the one that inspired me. I guess that's what being Creative is all about!
So to get back to the Inspiration .... Taylored Expressions does a monthly #TEmakerChallenge for their Fans in the FansOfTayloredExpressions FB group. I started out intending for this card to totally mimic the monthly sketch (see photo below) but ended up with these little beauties instead and I couldn't be happier. I think this is a perfect Girlfriend appreciation card, don't you? 💕

Look closely and you can see the depth and dimension this one offers. It may look labor intensive but it really came together quite quickly with minimal effort. Nothing complicated ... just a little stamping, splattering and die cutting.
I hope this has inspired you to grab some overlooked items in your crafty stash and make something beautiful today! 💕
Here's that @TEmakerChallenge sketch to help you with a little more inspiration!
